Philiphaugh Hill Race 2022

This year, we’ve been to all three of Selkirk Fund Runners‘ races – Feel The Burns, the Heartburn Run, and the third and final race of the year – the Philiphaugh Hill Race. It’s a great summer hill race suitable for all abilities with 4 mile and 7 mile routes. The 4 mile route is open to walkers as well as runners and is child and dog friendly, although children under 12 have to be accompanied by an adult… if they can keep up! Both races are competitive for faster runners but equally fun and accessible to those that want to challenge themselves at any pace. A friendly, low key, race with great volunteers and marshals. It’s a pay on the day event (£8 adults and £5 children) and was raising funds for the Selkirk Play Park Project.

We had had the date on the calendar for a while as Iain really enjoys these races and Julie enjoys them afterwards 🤣 (they always remind her she needs to run hills more in training and how much she really enjoys hill running!). This year it coincided with Iain’s sister and family visiting from Spain so we roped them in to running as well, making it an extended Miles Together family outing! We ran the 7 mile route and Iain’s sister and husband (Cat and Teun), Isla, Lewis and Angus all ran the 4 mile route. Their girls were a little young to walk so stayed at home with their Granny and Grandpa, Auntie Fiona and Rhona.

Registration was straightforward at Selkirk Rugby Club and then a short walk to the start at the Corbie Linn car park. Sheila Cochrane, the organiser, gave a no-nonsense race brief and we were off! Instead of going straight up the stony track, this year we went through the field used for the Feel The Burns start/finish, trading loose stones for off-camber, tussocky grass 🤷‍♂️ Back on the track, the route climbs steadily towards the Top Pond, where the 4 mile route turns left towards Tibbie Tamson’s grave and the 7 mile route heads straight on up to the top of the Three Brethren. It’s not that steep but after climbing for over two miles at pace it feels it! An about turn and back down again before turning right along a heathery trod and crossing the almost dry burn before heading up the “Rocky Road” and on to the top of Foulshiels Hill. From here it’s pretty much downhill all the way to the finish, starting with a steep descent on the hillside and into the woods where the 4 mile route joins back on from the left. A short section of rooty path leads back onto grassy fields before plunging back again into the forest. Finally, across of a couple of fields, over a little kicker of a rise and a downhill sprint to the finish line!

Everybody was very pleased with their results:

  • Iain: 56:11, 11th place – 7 minutes faster than last time (2016!)
  • Julie: 1:11:01, 33rd place – good pace, only a few weeks after KACR
  • Teun: 34:52, 2nd place
  • Lewis: 39:47, 6th place
  • Angus: 48:38, 18th place
  • Cat: 48:56, 19th place
  • Isla: 50:51, 21st place

After the finish we headed back to the rugby club for some food (only a little as roast dinner was being prepared by Granny!) and drink (the bar was open)! Sadly none of us were lucky enough to win a spot prize, but there’s always next year 🤞

Despite being a little bit down on numbers compared with pre-COVID, the event raised a total of £758.50 for a worthy cause. If you’re reading this and are in the area, please do come along to this or any of Selkirk Fund Runners events – you’ll be very welcome, and will definitely leave with a smile on your face and maybe some sore legs!

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