The Road to Big’s

If you’ve heard anything about Backyard Ultras you’ll know there are two races that are the highlight of the Backyard calender. First is Big’s Backyard Ultra, the original race in laz’s literal back yard in Tennessee and now the World Individual Championship Race. Second, the World Team Championships, first held during COVID travel restrictions inContinue reading “The Road to Big’s”

Backyard Ultra World Team Championship 2024

As we sit down to start writing this, we’ve now had two full night’s sleep and been home for over a couple of days, while three Belgians have only just finished setting a new World Record of 110 yards – inspiring stuff! In the end it took us another week to finish writing 😴 EvenContinue reading “Backyard Ultra World Team Championship 2024”

Pig on the Hill Backyard Ultra 2024

What an epic race that was! But to properly tell the story we need to go back more than a year to June 2023 and as it was then called, the Lionsgate Backyard Ultra. I had gone there as part of Team Scotland, with high expectations after winning God’s Own Backyard Ultra 2022 and madeContinue reading “Pig on the Hill Backyard Ultra 2024”

Mapledurham BYU 2024 – A Crew’s Eye View

Going to Mapledurham was a bit of a last-minute plan, but we’re glad we did! After the Cow Shed Backyard Ultra was cancelled due to short notice, Julie had a bit of a gap in her schedule before her next race in June and was still looking to find a few extra yards to secureContinue reading “Mapledurham BYU 2024 – A Crew’s Eye View”

Rasselbock Backyard Ultra 2024

Well it’s two weeks since Rasselbock Backyard Ultra and I am still trying to get over the disappointment of stopping at 38 yards 😭. That’s the thing about Backyard Ultras that makes them so hard but at the same time makes you want to go back for more. I was determined to go into thisContinue reading “Rasselbock Backyard Ultra 2024”

GOBYU 2023

Went to Leeds, ran 31 yards, DNF’ed, went home again. That’s pretty much what our weekend at God’s Own Backyard Ultra amounted to, but at the same time it was so much more than that! Hours spent on the trail, time in camp catching up with our “backyard family”, seeing many people smash their ownContinue reading “GOBYU 2023”

Orkney Backyard Ultra 2023

Orkney Backyard Ultra was my third big race of the year and I had deliberately taken it easy since Ultra Scotland 100 four weeks before. This felt quite strange and left me nervous that I wasn’t doing enough, but was definitely the correct approach for me as my final two runs felt great and IContinue reading “Orkney Backyard Ultra 2023”

God’s Own Backyard Ultra 2022

Where to even start this post? Julie and I went to GOBYU planning to go a long way, exactly how far neither of us quite knew. This way my second Backyard Ultra (after the Cow Shed BYU in April – read that post for a quick intro to the format) so I aimed at aContinue reading “God’s Own Backyard Ultra 2022”

Cow Shed Backyard Ultra 2022

Last weekend, we travelled to Wheelbirks Farm in the Northumberland countryside so I could run my first ever Backyard Ultra. Since the first “Big’s Backyard Ultra“, hosted by the legendary Lazarus Lake in his literal backyard in Bell Buckle, Tennessee in 2011, hundreds of similar events have spawned worldwide, each of which gives entrants theContinue reading “Cow Shed Backyard Ultra 2022”