The Road to Big’s

If you’ve heard anything about Backyard Ultras you’ll know there are two races that are the highlight of the Backyard calender. First is Big’s Backyard Ultra, the original race in laz’s literal back yard in Tennessee and now the World Individual Championship Race. Second, the World Team Championships, first held during COVID travel restrictions inContinue reading “The Road to Big’s”

Backyard Ultra World Team Championship 2024

As we sit down to start writing this, we’ve now had two full night’s sleep and been home for over a couple of days, while three Belgians have only just finished setting a new World Record of 110 yards – inspiring stuff! In the end it took us another week to finish writing 😴 EvenContinue reading “Backyard Ultra World Team Championship 2024”

Mapledurham BYU 2024 – A Crew’s Eye View

Going to Mapledurham was a bit of a last-minute plan, but we’re glad we did! After the Cow Shed Backyard Ultra was cancelled due to short notice, Julie had a bit of a gap in her schedule before her next race in June and was still looking to find a few extra yards to secureContinue reading “Mapledurham BYU 2024 – A Crew’s Eye View”

Interview: Heather & Geoffrey

If you’ve spent any time reading this blog you’ll know we’ve done some unusual races. Escape From Meriden is a rather unique event where, starting from the village of Meriden (allegedly the geographical center of England), you have 24 hours to “escape” as far as you can. You can take part as an individual, aContinue reading “Interview: Heather & Geoffrey”

GOBYU 2023

Went to Leeds, ran 31 yards, DNF’ed, went home again. That’s pretty much what our weekend at God’s Own Backyard Ultra amounted to, but at the same time it was so much more than that! Hours spent on the trail, time in camp catching up with our “backyard family”, seeing many people smash their ownContinue reading “GOBYU 2023”

Interview: Allan & George

We first met father and son combo Allan and George Parkin at God’s Own Backyard Ultra last year, and since then we keep bumping in to them at events from the tip of Wales to Orkney (where we randomly ended up on the same campsite as them for several days after the event too 😲).Continue reading “Interview: Allan & George”

February Roundup

“Winter miles mean summer smiles” is a well-known phrase among runners, and both of us are midway through out winter/spring training blocks getting ready for big races to come. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a few smiles along the way too 😃 Only 4 weeks after Feel The Burns, it was timeContinue reading “February Roundup”